Buona Beef Grilled Chicken Salad Nutrition
Buona Beefiness Nutrition Information, Calories and Allergens
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Thomas R. Fitzsimons, Greer, Burns & Crain, Ltd., 300 S. Wacker Bulldoze, Suite 2500, Chicago IL 60606
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Nearly Popular Buona Beef Products
Per one salad - Cal: 317 kcal | Fat: fifteen g | Carbs: 33 chiliad | Protein: 12 one thousand
Per 1 sandwich 5in - Cal: 389 kcal | Fat: 11 g | Carbs: 37 chiliad | Protein: 31 m
Per 1 7 inch sub - Cal: 400 kcal | Fat: ix g | Carbs: 36 1000 | Protein: 41 g
Per 1 plate - Cal: 652 kcal | Fat: 24 one thousand | Carbs: 66 k | Protein: 36 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 572 kcal | Fat: 21 one thousand | Carbs: 60 grand | Protein: 34 g
Buona Beef Salads
Per 1 salad - Cal: 317 kcal | Fat: 15 chiliad | Carbs: 33 g | Protein: 12 k
Per 1 plate - Cal: 652 kcal | Fat: 24 yard | Carbs: 66 g | Protein: 36 1000
Per 1 salad - Cal: 332 kcal | Fat: 12 thousand | Carbs: 16 chiliad | Poly peptide: 42 g
Per one salad - Cal: 959 kcal | Fatty: 67 yard | Carbs: 54 g | Protein: 36 grand
Per one salad - Cal: 552 kcal | Fatty: 8 g | Carbs: 84 g | Protein: 33 g
Per one salad - Cal: 863 kcal | Fat: 67 chiliad | Carbs: 25 thousand | Poly peptide: 38 g
Per five cups - Cal: 762 kcal | Fat: 59 k | Carbs: 41 g | Protein: 14 k
Per 1 salad - Cal: 190 kcal | Fatty: 7 k | Carbs: 0 g | Protein: 0 chiliad
Per one salad due west/dressing - Cal: 653 kcal | Fatty: 57 g | Carbs: 26 g | Protein: half dozen g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 765 kcal | Fat: 57 chiliad | Carbs: 47 g | Protein: 12 grand
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Buona Beef Salad Dressings
Per 1 salad - Cal: 317 kcal | Fat: 15 g | Carbs: 33 g | Protein: 12 g
Per 1 plate - Cal: 652 kcal | Fat: 24 grand | Carbs: 66 g | Protein: 36 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 332 kcal | Fatty: 12 thousand | Carbs: sixteen g | Protein: 42 chiliad
Per 1 salad - Cal: 959 kcal | Fat: 67 grand | Carbs: 54 grand | Protein: 36 grand
Per i salad - Cal: 190 kcal | Fat: 7 k | Carbs: 0 g | Poly peptide: 0 chiliad
Per one salad w/dressing - Cal: 653 kcal | Fatty: 57 g | Carbs: 26 g | Protein: six g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 467 kcal | Fatty: sixteen g | Carbs: 33 g | Protein: 45 g
Per 1 bowl - Cal: 615 kcal | Fat: 25 m | Carbs: 65 g | Protein: 35 yard
Per 1 salad - Cal: 1139 kcal | Fat: 76 g | Carbs: 73 thou | Poly peptide: 44 g
Per one salad - Cal: 338 kcal | Fat: 12 g | Carbs: 14 grand | Poly peptide: 43 thou
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Buona Beefiness Condiments
Per one salad - Cal: 317 kcal | Fat: xv g | Carbs: 33 g | Poly peptide: 12 g
Per i plate - Cal: 652 kcal | Fat: 24 g | Carbs: 66 g | Protein: 36 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 332 kcal | Fat: 12 g | Carbs: 16 chiliad | Protein: 42 1000
Per 1 salad - Cal: 959 kcal | Fatty: 67 chiliad | Carbs: 54 k | Protein: 36 g
Per i salad - Cal: 190 kcal | Fat: vii g | Carbs: 0 g | Protein: 0 g
Per ane salad w/dressing - Cal: 653 kcal | Fat: 57 g | Carbs: 26 g | Protein: six g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 467 kcal | Fatty: 16 g | Carbs: 33 g | Poly peptide: 45 g
Per 1 bowl - Cal: 615 kcal | Fat: 25 one thousand | Carbs: 65 g | Protein: 35 grand
Per one salad - Cal: 1139 kcal | Fat: 76 m | Carbs: 73 g | Protein: 44 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 338 kcal | Fat: 12 g | Carbs: fourteen thou | Protein: 43 g
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Buona Beef Beef
Per 1 sandwich 5in - Cal: 389 kcal | Fat: eleven g | Carbs: 37 k | Protein: 31 thou
Per 1 seven inch sub - Cal: 400 kcal | Fat: 9 thou | Carbs: 36 thousand | Protein: 41 g
Per 1 sub - Cal: 342 kcal | Fatty: 13 g | Carbs: 33 1000 | Protein: 23 g
Per 1 serving - Cal: 358 kcal | Fat: 16 k | Carbs: 13 g | Protein: 24 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 222 kcal | Fat: 9 g | Carbs: 20 g | Protein: 15 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 535 kcal | Fat: 24 g | Carbs: 45 g | Protein: 34 g
Per 1 sandwich 7in - Cal: 481 kcal | Fat: 17 thousand | Carbs: 50 g | Poly peptide: 41 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 698 kcal | Fatty: 37 thou | Carbs: 47 thousand | Protein: 45 1000
Per 4 inch - Cal: 300 kcal | Fat: vii g | Carbs: 28 chiliad | Protein: 20 g
Per 1 pizza - Cal: 890 kcal | Fat: 39 thousand | Carbs: 91 g | Protein: 46 chiliad
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Buona Beef Fast Nutrient Dishes
Per 1 sandwich 5in - Cal: 389 kcal | Fatty: 11 k | Carbs: 37 g | Protein: 31 g
Per one seven inch sub - Cal: 400 kcal | Fatty: ix grand | Carbs: 36 g | Poly peptide: 41 g
Per one sandwich - Cal: 591 kcal | Fat: 28 m | Carbs: 56 k | Protein: 30 g
Per i sandwich - Cal: 831 kcal | Fatty: 47 g | Carbs: 69 chiliad | Poly peptide: 44 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 533 kcal | Fat: 7 g | Carbs: 83 g | Poly peptide: 36 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 777 kcal | Fat: 27 g | Carbs: 93 g | Protein: 41 g
Per ane sandwich - Cal: 767 kcal | Fatty: 22 g | Carbs: 93 g | Poly peptide: 49 g
Per 1 pizza - Cal: 1011 kcal | Fat: 35 g | Carbs: 119 g | Protein: 57 grand
Per i side item - Cal: 495 kcal | Fat: 36 g | Carbs: 36 g | Protein: iv g
Per 4 sandwich - Cal: 513 kcal | Fat: 25 g | Carbs: 47 m | Protein: 27 m
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Buona Beefiness Sandwiches and Wraps
Per 1 sandwich 5in - Cal: 389 kcal | Fat: xi g | Carbs: 37 thousand | Poly peptide: 31 g
Per 1 seven inch sub - Cal: 400 kcal | Fat: 9 yard | Carbs: 36 grand | Protein: 41 chiliad
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 591 kcal | Fat: 28 g | Carbs: 56 m | Protein: thirty k
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 831 kcal | Fat: 47 g | Carbs: 69 g | Protein: 44 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 777 kcal | Fatty: 27 g | Carbs: 93 g | Protein: 41 g
Per one sandwich - Cal: 767 kcal | Fat: 22 thousand | Carbs: 93 g | Poly peptide: 49 1000
Per 4 sandwich - Cal: 513 kcal | Fat: 25 g | Carbs: 47 grand | Protein: 27 grand
Per 1/two sandwich - Cal: 259 kcal | Fat: ix g | Carbs: 32 g | Protein: sixteen grand
Per one sandwich - Cal: 666 kcal | Fat: 11 g | Carbs: 93 one thousand | Poly peptide: 49 g
Per 1 sandwich 7in - Cal: 481 kcal | Fat: 17 thousand | Carbs: 50 yard | Protein: 41 1000
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Buona Beefiness Chicken Dishes
Per one plate - Cal: 652 kcal | Fat: 24 thou | Carbs: 66 thou | Protein: 36 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 332 kcal | Fat: 12 g | Carbs: sixteen g | Protein: 42 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 959 kcal | Fatty: 67 g | Carbs: 54 g | Poly peptide: 36 yard
Per 1 bowl - Cal: 138 kcal | Fat: 3 m | Carbs: 15 m | Protein: 12 chiliad
Per ane sandwich without mayo - Cal: 520 kcal | Fat: seven 1000 | Carbs: 71 m | Protein: 45 chiliad
Per 1 salad - Cal: 552 kcal | Fat: 8 g | Carbs: 84 g | Protein: 33 g
Per ane sandwich - Cal: 767 kcal | Fatty: 22 g | Carbs: 93 g | Protein: 49 g
Per 1 pizza - Cal: 1011 kcal | Fat: 35 thou | Carbs: 119 g | Protein: 57 g
Per i cup - Cal: 88 kcal | Fat: two g | Carbs: 9 thou | Protein: 8 one thousand
Per 1 salad - Cal: 863 kcal | Fat: 67 g | Carbs: 25 g | Protein: 38 thousand
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Buona Beefiness Craven
Per 1 plate - Cal: 652 kcal | Fatty: 24 g | Carbs: 66 k | Protein: 36 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 572 kcal | Fat: 21 thou | Carbs: sixty g | Poly peptide: 34 m
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 831 kcal | Fat: 47 g | Carbs: 69 thou | Poly peptide: 44 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 332 kcal | Fatty: 12 g | Carbs: 16 g | Protein: 42 k
Per 1 salad - Cal: 959 kcal | Fat: 67 g | Carbs: 54 g | Protein: 36 thousand
Per 1 bowl - Cal: 138 kcal | Fatty: three g | Carbs: fifteen g | Protein: 12 1000
Per 1 sandwich without mayo - Cal: 520 kcal | Fat: 7 g | Carbs: 71 g | Protein: 45 g
Per 1 salad - Cal: 552 kcal | Fat: 8 g | Carbs: 84 g | Protein: 33 grand
Per i sandwich - Cal: 767 kcal | Fat: 22 g | Carbs: 93 thousand | Poly peptide: 49 one thousand
Per 1 pizza - Cal: 1011 kcal | Fatty: 35 k | Carbs: 119 1000 | Protein: 57 m
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Buona Beef Inflorescence Vegetables
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 572 kcal | Fat: 21 chiliad | Carbs: lx g | Protein: 34 g
Per one/2 of panini - Cal: 350 kcal | Fat: 17 g | Carbs: thirty k | Protein: 17 k
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 572 kcal | Fat: 21 g | Carbs: 60 g | Protein: 34 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 490 kcal | Fatty: 15 g | Carbs: 58 chiliad | Protein: 29 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 370 kcal | Fat: 0 thousand | Carbs: 0 1000 | Protein: 0 one thousand
Per ane/ii sandwich - Cal: 351 kcal | Fat: 18 thousand | Carbs: 30 g | Poly peptide: 18 yard
Per half dozen oz - Cal: 156 kcal | Fat: 10 g | Carbs: 0 g | Poly peptide: 0 grand
Per 1 cup - Cal: 104 kcal | Fat: 7 g | Carbs: 7 g | Protein: 4 g
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 705 kcal | Fat: 35 thou | Carbs: 60 g | Protein: 35 g
Buona Beefiness Fish Dishes
Per 1 sandwich - Cal: 533 kcal | Fat: 7 g | Carbs: 83 g | Poly peptide: 36 yard
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Source: http://recipeofhealth.com/nutrition-calories/buona-beef-29817br
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